02 哈二章

6 min read

Habakkuk 哈巴谷书

2:1 我要站在守望所、立在望楼上观看、看耶和华对我说甚么话、我可用甚么话向他诉冤。〔向他诉冤或作回答所疑问的〕  (1)
2:2 他对我说、将这默示明明的写在版上、使读的人容易读。〔或作随跑随读〕
2:3 因为这默示有一定的日期、快要应验、并不虚谎。虽然迟延、还要等候。因为必然临到、不再迟延。  (2)  (3)  (4)
2:4 迦勒底人自高自大、心不正直。惟义人因信得生。  (5)   (6)
2:5 迦勒底人因酒诡诈、狂傲、不住在家中、扩充心欲好像阴间。他如死不能知足、聚集万国、堆积万民、都归自己。

2:6 这些国的民、岂不都要提起诗歌、并俗语、讥刺他、说、祸哉迦勒底人、你增添不属自己的财物、多多取人的当头、要到几时为止呢。
2:7 咬伤你的岂不忽然起来、扰害你的岂不兴起、你就作他们的掳物么。
2:8 因你抢夺许多的国、杀人流血、向国内的城、并城中一切居民施行强暴、所以各国剩下的民都必抢夺你。
2:9 为本家积蓄不义之财、在高处搭窝、指望免灾的有祸了
2:10 你图谋剪除多国的民、犯了罪、使你的家蒙羞、自害己命。

2:11 墙里的石头必呼叫、房内的栋梁必应声。
2:12 以人血建城、以罪孽立邑的有祸了
2:13 众民所劳碌得来的、被火焚烧、列国由劳乏而得的、归于虚空、不都是出于万军之耶和华么。
2:14 认识耶和华荣耀的知识、要充满遍地、好像水充满洋海一般。
2:15 给人酒喝、又加上毒物、使他喝醉、好看见他下体的、有祸了

2:16 你满受羞辱、不得荣耀。你也喝吧、显出是未受割礼的。耶和华右手的杯、必传到你那里、你的荣耀、就变为大大地羞辱
2:17 你向利巴嫩行强暴、与残害惊吓野兽的事、必遮盖你。因你杀人流血、向国内的城、并城中一切居民施行强暴。
2:18 雕刻的偶像、人将他刻出来、有甚么益处呢。铸造的偶像、就是虚谎的师傅。制造者倚靠这哑巴偶像、有甚么益处呢。
2:19 对木偶说、醒起、对哑巴石像说、起来、那人有祸了。这个还能教训人么。看哪、是包裹金银的、其中毫无气息。
2:20 惟耶和华在他的圣殿中。全地的人、都当在他面前肃敬静默。  (8)

  1. Habakkuk retired to his watchtower to see how the Lord would answer him. He wanted to get alone in order to gain God’s perspective. This is a most important principle for believers today as well. Whether we call it our “quiet time,” “devotions,” or by some other term, daily communion with God is crucial for every Christian. [Believer’s Bible] ↩︎

  2. The Relaxation Spiritually
    May 2
    Though it tarry, wait for it. Habakkuk 2:3
    Beware of the danger of relaxation spiritually. “What shall I render unto the LORD?” said the Psalmist, “I will take the cup of salvation.” We are apt to look for satisfaction in ourselves—“Now I have got the thing; now I am entirely sanctified; now I can endure.” Instantly we are on the road to ruin. Our reach must exceed our grasp. “Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect.”
    The vision of God is the source of patience, because it imparts a moral inspiration. A man with the vision of God is not devoted to a cause or to any particular issue; he is devoted to God Himself. You always know when the vision is of God because of the inspiration that comes with it.
    If we have only what we have experienced, we have nothing; if we have the inspiration of the vision of God, we have more than we can experience.
    Chambers, Oswald. My Utmost for His Highest, Classic Edition (p. 151). Discovery House. Kindle Edition. ↩︎

  3. 神做工的目的不是为了解决事,而是为了得着人。人肉体的倾向,对神必成就的事,总是希望可以再等等;而对于自己所要的事,却总是希望不要「迟延」。因此,我们的祷告一定要注意不要教神做什么、怎么做、何时做,而要「肃敬静默」(20节)地听神要我们做什么。 ↩︎

  4. A. J. Pollock says that this verse refers to the hope of the Jew—Christ’s coming to earth to subdue His enemies, take out of His kingdom all things that offend, and set up His glorious reign, making Israel the head of the nations because He will be at the head of the Jewish nation. When verse 3 is quoted in Heb_10:37, the “it” (i.e., the vision) becomes “He” (i.e., the Lord), who will surely come and will not tarry. The NT context refers to the hope of the Christian—the Rapture of the church. [Believer’s Bible] ↩︎

  5. 人被神称为义的唯一途径,就是效法「亚伯拉罕信神,这就算为他的义」(罗四3;创十五6)。因此,「义人」「不是有自己因律法而得的义,乃是有信基督的义,就是因信神而来的义」(腓三9)。
    新约多次引用第4节说明因信称义的真理(罗一17;加三11;来十38-39)。希伯来文的「信 אֱמוּנָה」原文意思是「坚固、忠诚、坚定不移、稳固」,而希腊文的「信 πίστις」原文意思是「坚信、相信、忠贞、忠实」。因此,「信心」和「忠心」在英文里干脆就是同一个词(faith),「信心」也意味着「忠心」,真正的「信心」是对神持续的「忠心」,而不是只有刹那间的相信。所以,主耶稣反复宣告:「惟有忍耐到底的必然得救」(太十22;二十四13;可十三13)。

    Mat 10:22 (KJV)
    And ye shall be hated of all men for my name’s sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.
    马太福音‬10:22 (和合本)

    Mat 24:13 (KJV) But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.
    ‪‪马太福音‬24:13 (和合本) 惟有忍耐到底的,必然得救。

    Mar 13:13 (KJV) And ye shall be hated of all men for my name’s sake: but he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.
    ‪马可福音‬13:13 (和合本)
    并且你们要为我的名被众人恨恶。惟有忍耐到底的,必然得救。” ↩︎

  6. Hab 2:4 has the distinction of being quoted three times in the NT.
    Rom 1:17 (KJV)
    For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.
    Gal 3:11 (KJV)
    But that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God, it is evident: for, The just shall live by faith.
    Heb 10:38 (KJV)
    Now the just shall live by faith: but if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him.
    [Believer’s Bible]
    Joh 3:36 (KJV)
    He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.
    [John MacArthur’s The Study Bible] ↩︎

  7. 大约七十年后,玛代和波斯联军于主前539年攻陷巴比伦,消灭了迦勒底人的王朝。本书的预言是主前605年尼布甲尼撒二世在迦基米施战役(Battle of Carchemish)中打败亚述和埃及联军 之前,新巴比伦帝国的国势还没有到达巅峰,神就宣告了她在七十年后的末日。因此,当这个预言应验的时候,将让「认识耶和华荣耀的知识要充满遍地,好像水充满洋海一般」(14节),使全地的人都能认识神、归荣耀给祂(拉一2)。

    But a day is coming when the one true God will be globally acknowledged. This glorious time is predicted in a deservedly famous poetic comparison: “For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea” (2:14). [Believer’s Bible]

    罗马书 12:19 3 (和合本)
    “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay.”
    不要问为什么上帝把我放在这里。 ↩︎

  8. 「肃敬静默」(20节)原文是「静默」,人在闭嘴以后,才能看得清楚、想得明白;哈巴谷安静下来思想神的话,才明白自己眼中的「义人」和「恶人」,在神眼中都是全然败坏的罪人,所以整个心思都改变了。他不再争辩、不再替神出主意,而是甘心接受神的彻底拆毁,进入第三章的敬拜颂赞。「肃敬静默」,也是每一个信徒在敬拜、祷告时所应有的态度。
    哈巴谷书第2章逐节注解、祷读 ↩︎

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