131 第一三一章

2 min read


131:1 〔大卫上行之诗。〕耶和华阿、我的心不狂傲、我的眼不高大。重大和测不透的事、我也不敢行。
131:2 我的心平稳安静、好像断过奶的孩子在他母亲的怀中。我的心在我里面真像断过奶的孩子。1
131:3 以色列阿、你当仰望耶和华、从今时直到永远。

  1. 2022年5月4日活泉小简
    诗131:2 我的心平稳安静、好像断过奶的孩子在他母亲的怀中。我的心在我里面真像断过奶的孩子。 除非我们能保守心中平安,我们就不可能有快乐的生活。我们外在的表现必告诉我们,我们生命的河水是生于风暴中;且被这些河水所蹂躏。请我们记住,保守自己的心安息,这是唯一保守我们生活平安和快乐的道路。因若你无论在贫穷、富有、羞辱、丰富或缺乏中都能保守心中平静,那么你必能随处得着快乐。但是,如果你在阳光普照的日子中,心中烦躁,整个生活必满了困扰。
    A Quiet Heart
    UNLESS the heart be kept peaceable, the life will not be happy. If calm doth not reign over that inner lake within the soul, which feeds the rivers of our life, the rivers themselves will always be in storm. Our outward acts will always tell that they were born in tempests, by being tempestuous themselves. We all desire to lead a joyous life; the bright eye and the elastic foot are things which we each of us desire; to carry about a contented mind is that to which most men are continually aspiring. Let us remember, that the only way to keep our life peaceful and happy, is to keep the heart at rest; for come poverty, come wealth, come honor, come shame, come plenty, or come scarcity, if the heart be quiet, there will be happiness anywhere. But whatever the sunshine and the brightness, if the heart be troubled, the whole life must be troubled too.
    “Gleanings among the Sheaves” by Charles H. Spurgeon [日记] 2022年5月4日 昨晚Daisy的两个小腿肚子抽筋。今天早上说她干不了十个小时的工作。我的工作也没有着落。这个时候,如何保守内心的平安? ↩︎