046 第四十六章

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46:1 〔可拉后裔的诗歌、交与伶长、调用女音。〕 神是我们的避难所、是我们的力量、是我们在患难中随时的帮助。
46:2 所以地虽改变、山虽摇动到海心、 46:3 其中的水虽匉訇翻腾、山虽因海涨而战抖、我们也不害怕。〔细拉〕
46:4 有一道河。这河的分汊、使 神的城欢喜。这城就是至高者居住的圣所。
46:5  神在其中。城必不动摇。到天一亮、神必帮助这城。

46:6 外邦喧嚷、列国动摇。神发声、地便熔化。
46:7 万军之耶和华与我们同在。雅各的 神是我们的避难所。〔细拉〕
46:8 你们来看耶和华的作为、看他使地怎样荒凉。
46:9 他止息刀兵、直到地极。他折弓、断枪、把战车焚烧在火中。
46:10 你们要休息、要知道我是 神。我必在外邦中被尊崇、在遍地上也被尊崇。1

46:11 万军之耶和华与我们同在。雅各的 神是我们的避难所。

  1. It is so when we are tempted to faint under affliction. God’s message to us is not, “Be strong and of good courage,” for He knows our strength and courage have fled away. But it is that sweet word, “Be still, and know that I am God.”
    Hudson Taylor was so feeble in the closing months of his life that he wrote a dear friend: “I am so weak I cannot write; I cannot read my Bible; I cannot even pray. I can only lie still in God’s arms like a little child, and trust.”
    And that is all God asks of you, His dear child, when you grow faint in the fierce fires of affliction. Do not try to be strong. Just be still and know that He is God, and will sustain you, and bring you through.
    Cowman, L. B. E.. Contemporary Classic/Streams in the Desert (p. 148). Zondervan. Kindle Edition.

    戴德生(Hudson Taylor)先生在临终几个月,身灵软弱到极点,他给他知己朋友的信中说:『我极其软弱,我不能写信,我不能读经,甚至不能祷告。我只能像一个小孩子一样躺在神的怀中安静、休息、信靠。』
    神要你也如此,当你在痛苦的烈火中丧胆的时候,不必自己设法,只要休息,知道祂是神,祂必支持你,带你过去。 ↩︎